Can I use Tabata Songs in my YouTube videos?
YES you may use Tabata Songs in your YouTube videos!
But there are some important things to know…
Credit Tabata Songs
We greatly appreciate you telling your viewers what they are listening to! The two best ways to do this are:
Embed Credit in Video
This simply means include text such as the following in the actual video at the start of each song:
🎵 “Song Title” by Tabata Songs
YouTube Video Description Credit
In the video description, please credit the song title & artist, followed by the following links as provided in sample below:
“Song Title” by Tabata Songs.
If using multiple songs, simply follow the sample below:
“Song Title 1”
“Song Title 1”
“Song Title 1”
by Tabata Songs.
There are two types of Tabata Songs:
Premium Tabata Songs and Royalty Free Tabata Songs.
Premium Tabata Songs
Premium Tabata Songs are the Tabata Songs that you hear on Spotify, YouTube Music, Apple Music, etc. Most of these songs are cover songs, which are Tabata versions of songs that have previously been written, recorded and released by an artist. For example “Smooth Criminal (Tabata)” was written by some guy named Michael Jackson and “Sugar (Tabata)”, written and released by Maroon 5.
Since we did not write these songs, our control over the use of these songs is limited. Most of these songs are controlled by record labels, publishing companies and music distributors. Therefore your monetization options are limited. You likely won’t be able to fully monetize Premium Tabata Songs, but you can monetize Royalty Free Tabata Songs. The benefit of including Premium Tabata Songs in some of your videos is simply that people love to workout to music that they already know and love, which may increase your engagement.
Royalty Free Tabata Songs
Royalty Free Tabata Songs are songs that you can use in your YouTube videos to fully monetize your videos. These songs will become available in mid 2022 and will be released to an “invite only” list of fitness creators. For more information about Royalty Free Tabata Songs, and to request invitation, visit our Tabata Songs page for Creators.
Should I use Premium or Royalty Free Tabata Songs on my channel?
Generally, it depends on your goals, but we recommend doing both! This way you can fully monetize certain videos while utilizing other videos to increase your channel growth and engagement with more familiar songs.
YouTube Copyright Claims
YouTube uses a content identification system that scans your videos when uploading to see if you are using copyrighted material.
Copyright Claim vs Copyright Strike
When uploading videos that feature Premium Tabata Songs in your videos, you may receive a copyright claim.
YouTube Copyright Claim
A copyright claim is common and it does NOT affect your entire channel. A copyright claim from YouTube simply means that their content ID system has recognized that you are using somebody else’s creative work, and that the creator is happy to let you use it. This simply means: You have full permission to use the track in question, but our distributors and the original rights-holders (such as Bruno Mars if you use our “Uptown Funk” Tabata Song) may share the ad revenue with you or fully monetize the ads in your video. As long as you are ok with not fully monetizing this video, a copyright claim will not cause a problem for you at all.
You should not receive a copyright claim for using Royalty Free Tabata Songs.
Royalty Free Tabata Songs are NOT registered with YouTube’s content ID system. So if you do receive a copyright claim while using these songs it is either in error or somebody has fraudulently registered our music. If this happens, please see this post on Tabata Songs Copyright Claims. If you are using Premium Tabata Songs in your video, it is likely that you will receive a copyright claim. For more information see this post about copyright claims.
YouTube Copyright Strike
A YouTube copyright strike is very different than a copyright claim. A copyright strike means that the owner of the original content (usually a video or song) has submitted a takedown request.
We do not issue copyright strikes.
Rest assured, Tabata Songs will never issue a copyright strike against your video unless you are using the music in a malicious, hurtful or inappropriate way. For more information on copyright strikes visit Google’s page about copyright strikes.