recently posted a research brief of Dr Izumi Tabata’s famous 1996 study of the protocol that has since become a household name in the fitness industry.
Tabata Research Brief
In 1996 a researcher named Dr Izumi Tabata conducted a study at Ritsumeikan University in Japan. This study was the first of its kind, scientifically testing the benefits of intermittent anaerobic exercise, now known as High Intensity Interval Training (H.I.I.T.) in contrast with traditional steady-state cardiovascular aerobic exercise. This research brief explains the findings of the study, originally published in the Journal of Medicine in Science in Sports and Exercise
Key Findings and Implications:
-High-intensity interval training (specifically 20 seconds exercise: 10 seconds rest for 4 minutes) will improve both aerobic and anaerobic systems simultaneously.
-The four minute 20 second : 10 second protocol is the only proven method to train both aerobic capacity and vo2 max at the same time.
-Until recently, research has not quantified or identified the benefits of high intensity interval training (HIIT) anaerobic activity.
-Aerobic training does not change anaerobic capacity
Keywords: Tabata, High Intensity Interval Training, HIIT, Vo2max, aerobic, anaerobic
High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) has become a household term in the fitness world over recent years. With the rise in popularity of HIIT exercise programs in contrast with the dwindling interest in traditional steady-state exercise, there is a rising demand for research in the field. Using two study groups, the following research study puts HIIT and steady-state exercise to the test against each other, comparing and contrasting the scientifically recorded evidence of each approach. In particular, the study compares:
60 minutes of steady-state exercise vs.
4 minutes of HIIT- 8 intervals of 20 seconds exercise: 10 seconds rest (Tabata protocol).
18-24 year old male college students [Read More…]